Facebook Ads: see which image and video formats to use in each ad

Facebook Ads: see which image and video formats to use in each ad

Did you know that, worldwide, one out of every five dollars in digital ads is invested on Facebook? Monthly users of the platform spend an average of 53 minutes per day on the site – more than Snapchat (33 minutes) and Instagram (32 minutes). Therefore, it is very important to know which image and video formats to use in each Facebook Ads ad to optimize campaigns and get better results.

However, the guidelines for Facebook Ads ads change quite frequently. From introducing new ad formats to constantly updating the dimensions and specifications of existing images and videos. So, with all these changes, how do you create ads that will attract customers? With creative that is always updated according to the most current Facebook Ads specifications.

Keep following along and check out which image and video formats to use in each Facebook Ads ad!

Video Ad Sizes in Facebook Ads

When it comes to video, Facebook has one important recommendation for its advertisers: always put design for mobile devices first. With the significant and constant increase of mobile users, this is a common practice also in image formats for Google Ads.

Facebook recommends using videos with square (1:1) or vertical (4:5, 9:16, and 16:9) aspect ratios to maximize compatibility on desktop screens and mobile devices. The platform also suggests keeping videos short (15 seconds or less) and creating videos that work with and without sound (by enabling captions).

For best results, follow these specifications for video ads:

Minimum width: 120 px
Minimum height: 120 px
Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 px
Video Aspect Ratio: 4:5
Video file size: 4 GB maximum
Minimum video length: 1 second
Maximum video length: 241 minutes

For all types of video ads, Facebook recommends uploading the “highest resolution source video available without letters or pillar boxes.” The platform also recommends using MP4, GIF, or MOV formats, with a maximum file size of 4 GB and a maximum duration of 241 minutes.

Check out the specifications for each type of video ad in Facebook Ads below:

Instant article videos

Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 px

Video Aspect Ratio: 9:16 a 16:9

Video file size: 4 GB maximum

Minimum video length: 1 second

Maximum video length: 240 minutes

Facebook in-stream videos

Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 px

Recommended video aspect ratio: 16:9 or 1:1 (but supports 9:16 to 9:16)

Video file size: 4 GB maximum

Minimum video length: 5 seconds

Maximum video length: 10 minutes (limit may vary depending on the objective).

Facebook Marketplace Video Ads

Recommended: Highest available resolution (at least 1080 x 1080 px)

Video Aspect Ratio: 4:5 (but 9:16 to 16:9 is supported)

Video file size: 4 GB maximum

Minimum video length: 1 second

Maximum video length: 240 minutes

Stories Ads

Recommended: Highest available resolution (at least 1080 x 1080 px)

Video Aspect Ratio: 9:16 (1.91 to 9:16 compatible)

Video file size: max. of 4 GB

Maximum video length: 2 minutes

Facebook Videos

Facebook video feeds are different from in-stream videos and the Facebook videos you see in the feed. When a user clicks on a video in the feed, that video will open in a player with other video feeds below. These ads appear in these video feeds.

Recommended: Highest available resolution (at least 1080 x 1080 px)
Video aspect ratio: 4:5 (16:9 to 9:16 compatible)
Video file size: 4 GB maximum
Minimum video length: 1 second
Maximum video length: 240 minutes

Image Ad Sizes in Facebook Ads

To catch the audience’s attention in Facebook Ads, you need to include images in the ads, preferably ones that show the product or brand in a unique and attractive way .

However, creating image ads for Facebook Ads can be a bit tricky. Different ad destinations (news feed, Messenger, right column) and display formats (mobile, computer) sometimes require different ad sizes. The Facebook Ad Manager now lets you upload different images for different display formats and preview how an ad will look before it is published.

Therefore, for best results, follow these specifications for graphic ads:

Facebook Ads feed images

Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels
Minimum width: 600 pixels
Minimum height: 600 pixels
Ratio: 1 :91 to 1:1

For all image ads, Facebook recommends that you upload “the highest resolution image available” in .JPG or .PNG format, cropped to a compatible aspect ratio.

Right column images

Ratio: 1:1 (1.91:1 to 1:1 supported)
Minimum width: 254 pixels
Minimum height: 133 pixels
Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080

Please note: the ads in the right column are a computer-only format. However, they can also appear in other areas of the site.

Facebook Ads Instant Article Images

Maximum file size: 30 MB

Ratio: 1 .91:1 to 1:1

Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 px

Facebook Marketplace Images

Maximum file size: 30 MB

Ratio: 1:1

Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 px

Stories Images

If a static image is used in a Facebook Ads ad in Stories, Facebook recommends keeping about 14%, or 250 pixels at the top and bottom of your image, “free of text and logos.” This prevents it from being covered up by tools like call-to-action and the profile icon.

Maximum file size: 30 MB
Ratio: 1:1
Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 px
Minimum width: 500 px
Maximum file size: 30 MB

Facebook search results images

Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels

Ratio: 1 .91:1

Minimum image width: 600 pixels

Minimum image height: 600 pixels

Size of carousel ads in Facebook Ads

Carousels allow you to display up to 10 images or videos in one ad, without the user navigating to a new page.

They can appear in six different places on Facebook: the main Facebook feed, the right column, Instant Articles, Facebook Marketplace, Facebook Audience Network, and Facebook Messenger. However, all carousel formats use similar image and video specifications.

Facebook Ads feed carousels

Resolution: at least 1080 1080 pixels

Maximum image file size: 30 MB

Ratio: 1:1

Minimum number of images/videos: 2

Maximum number of images/videos: 10

File types: PNG, JPG, MP4, MOV, GIF

Right column carousels

Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels

Maximum image file size: 30 MB

Ratio: 1:1

Minimum number of images: 2

Maximum number of images: 10

Facebook Instant Article Carousels

Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels

Maximum image file size: 30 MB

Ratio: 1 :1

Minimum number of images: 2

Maximum number of images: 10

Facebook Marketplace Carousels

Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 px

Maximum image file size: 30 MB

Ratio: 1:1

Minimum number of images: 2

Maximum number of images: 10

Stories Carousel

You can display three images in a single ad in Facebook Ads Stories with the Expandable Carousel. When a user gets to his Story, he will have the opportunity to tap the card and see two more cards.

Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels
Maximum image file size: 30 MB
Recommended Ratio: 1:1
Minimum width: 500 pixels
Minimum number of cards: 3
Maximum number of cards: 3

Facebook search results

Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels
Maximum image file size: 30 MB
Maximum video size: 4 GB
Ratio: 1:1
Minimum number of images: 2
Maximum number of images: 10

As mentioned earlier, the image and video formats of Facebook Ads ads are essential for a successful campaign. So, save this text in your favorites to consult whenever you need it. And if you have any questions, or need help from our experts to create a Facebook Ads campaign that will boost your results, contact us!

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Super Plural Team

We are a team passionate about Digital Marketing and Technology. We are spread across the continents of the world and united by the same passion: sharing knowledge and taking business to another level of results =)

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