Installing and Configuring WordPress on Google Cloud

Installing and Configuring WordPress on Google Cloud

Every developer or even marketing team and entrepreneur who manages a WordPress site, be it a low or high access site, has experienced problems with slow site loading or even that classic when the site goes down due to unexpected high traffic and the shared hosting (poor thing) can’t handle it. These things happen because shared hosting is nothing more than a server divided into numerous parts, and sold partitioned to each company that wants to put a site on the air. This sharing is not very good if your site needs performance, because with all the sites in the same place, the machine (after all, on the other side there is a CPU running the requests) is overused, the memory is always being pushed to the limit, and this makes the human being see the light, lol. Yes, that moment when a background music plays, we meditate and ask ourselves, “Why didn’t I ever put my site on Google Cloud”.
Hosting WordPress in the Google Cloud, can greatly increase the performance of your site, but I must warn you that if you are just starting out on this journey, it can be a challenging task. But don’t be discouraged, if your goal is to increase performance without having to work with Google Cloud configurations, you may be interested in managed cloud hosting ( read about in this post ).
Before we begin, it’s nice to let you know that Super Plural is Google Cloud Partners (click here and see us in the partner directory), that is, we are partners and have certifications in Google Cloud and we distribute some tools like the Google Workspace . So, you have come to the right place to answer this question.
Before you do anything else, create a free Google Cloud account . After that follow our tutorial on how to install and configure WordPress on Google Cloud in the 3 steps below.
In this tutorial we will follow 3 steps:

  1. Deploy WordPress on Compute Engine
  2. Set up the WordPress instance
  3. Log into WordPress

Install WordPress on Compute Engine

Now that you have created your GCP account, let’s start creating a snapshot where you will deploy a WordPress site to Google Cloud using the efficiency setup. This is an f1-micro instance and a permanent 32 GB HDD, at an estimated cost of about $6 per month. Yes, no matter how much you pay on your card in the currency of your country, the GCP will be calculated in dollars.
When you enter your dashboard, click on the menu and go to Marketplace, as shown in the image below:

On the next screen will appear several applications and CMS to be installed with a few clicks on your new instance. Choose WordPress Certified by Bitnami and Automattic, which is the one we indicated (you’ll see that there are other WordPress options, so see if it’s in this module with the same name).

On the next screen, click the OPEN button to start setting up your WordPress instance.

Configure your site instance

In this step of the process, select the fields exactly as we show in the images below so that you can configure them in the way we suggested at the beginning of the text.

If you find it necessary, modify your instance configuration, making sure to change the Zone to represent the location where the users accessing your site are. You can also upgrade the machine type and/or the size of the boot disk in GB according to your needs. Always taking into account that in each alteration the estimated value will change.
In addition to these settings above, check that the settings below are the same. If everything is OK, click the Deploy button.

Log into WordPress

Now that your instance is created and configured, on the next screen you can follow the installation of the WordPress files on your instance. At the end of the installation you will see on the screen the panel link and the accesses as shown in the image below:

If for some reason you don’t write this down when you see this screen, no problem. To see it again you need to access that Marketplace area again, as we did in the first step. Then click on YOUR SOLUTIONS:

Click on the solution you created, and you will get to that same screen where you can see the links and accesses.

Did you get everything right in the step-by-step?

Now that you’re hosting WordPress on Google Cloud Platform, be sure to check out other great tutorials from our blog .
If you have questions or general comments about this tutorial, feel free to leave them here

PS: If you want a cloud server in Google Cloud infrastructure that doesn’t require you to do all that configuration, we recommend the My Site Area . Or if you want something even easier, you can hire a ecommerce and website creation platform where you get your WordPress ready and installed in the Google Cloud.

See you next time!

Super Plural Team
Super Plural Team

We are a team passionate about Digital Marketing and Technology. We are spread across the continents of the world and united by the same passion: sharing knowledge and taking business to another level of results =)

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