Learn about the types of ads on LinkedIn and when to use each one

Learn about the types of ads on LinkedIn and when to use each one

LinkedIn is an unsurpassed platform for the B2B audience. So in terms of ads, it has the power to reach important people. You can, for example, target LinkedIn ads to be displayed to the key decision makers needed to close a sale and even target the specific companies your company wants to do business with.

By using LinkedIn ads, you can ensure that your brand’s voice reaches the right audience. And the platform has an audience of influential decision makers for that. Among the platform’s more than 690 million members, four out of five members have the power to impact business decisions.

Follow our guide to LinkedIn ads to discover the types of ads available and the types of goals they can help you achieve.

Types of LinkedIn Ads

Text and Display Ads

LinkedIn’s graphic and text ads appear almost everywhere on the social network except in the news feeds. That’s it! They will be displayed in inboxes, as well as on the side and bottom of the LinkedIn home page. This type of LinkedIn ad can be considered similar to Google Ads Display Network ads, by way of comparison.

Sponsored Content

As we mentioned above, LinkedIn’s text and display ads are not shown in news feeds. If you want to change that, sponsored content is what you are looking for. LinkedIn sponsored content works like a boosted or sponsored post on Facebook. You choose which audience you want the post to be displayed to and it will appear in the feed with a small sponsored tag under the title.

This type of LinkedIn ad looks like any other LinkedIn post, except for the CTA and the little “promoted” tag that appears just below the company name.

Premium Display Advertising

You can also opt for LinkedIn’s premium graphic advertising if you need a little more space.

Since premium graphic ads cost a bit more, you should make sure that your targeting is very specific. The premium graphic ads will appear in different colors on any of the LinkedIn side banners or the horizontal banners at the top and bottom of the LinkedIn home page.

InMail Announcements

InMail advertising is another of LinkedIn’s offerings and is a powerful tool for B2Bs who actively work and engage with others on the platform. This type of LinkedIn ad allows you to send an e-mail directly to any of LinkedIn’s 500 million users.

These ads look like real e-mails, which gives a personal touch in connecting you with your target audience. However, there are some points of attention for LinkedIn InMail ads. Your ad can be pretty much whatever you want, but LinkedIn limits the number of InMail ads a user can receive – one every 60 days.

However, this is also a positive point because it means that when your ad arrives in someone’s InMail box, they will not be impacted by hundreds of InMail ads and will be more likely to focus on your offer.

Follow Company

If your company is new to LinkedIn and you are looking to increase your organic followers, you can also invest in Follow Company ads. Similar to Facebook Like campaigns, these ads appear in users’ news feeds, encouraging the target audience to follow your company.

However, it is important to have quality content on your company’s LinkedIn profile to invest in Follow Company. Otherwise, people will see no reason to follow the company.

Goals of the Ads for LinkedIn

LinkedIn uses goal-based advertising, which helps advertisers create ad campaigns around specific business goals.

Companies can work on all three stages of a sales funnel, from recognition to conversion. Learn about the three main types of goals below.

Linkedin Awareness Announcements

To make your brand better known, start with a recognition ad. These ads help the public learn about your products, services, and brand.

Through these impression-based campaigns, you can also gain more followers, increase views, and generate more engagement.

LinkedIn Consideration Ads

Opt for a consideration ad if you want to qualify leads already familiar with your brand. These ad types are optimized to help advertisers achieve the following goals:

  • Visitas ao site: obtenha mais tráfego no seu site e páginas de destino.
  • Engajamento: incentive curtidas, comentários e compartilhamentos, bem como visitas a outras plataformas de mídia social e sites.
  • Visualizações de vídeo: compartilhe sua história de negócios, seu produto mais recente ou um dia-a-dia por meio de vídeo.

LinkedIn Conversion Ads

When you want to generate leads or drive a sale, consider a conversion ad. They can help achieve these three goals:

  • Geração de leads: ganhe leads no LinkedIn usando formulários pré-preenchidos com dados de perfil do LinkedIn.
  • Conversões no site: inspire mais visitantes do site a baixar um e-book, se inscrever em uma newsletter ou comprar um produto.
  • Candidatos a emprego: divulgue a última vaga de emprego da sua empresa com um anúncio de emprego.

See how in addition to being a great B2B social media, LinkedIn ads can also help companies achieve numerous goals? If your company needs help with LinkedIn ads, talk to our experts!

Super Plural Team
Super Plural Team

We are a team passionate about Digital Marketing and Technology. We are spread across the continents of the world and united by the same passion: sharing knowledge and taking business to another level of results =)

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