Online Sales: 5 factors that influence the customer’s buying decision

Online Sales: 5 factors that influence the customer's buying decision

Earlier we talked about thethings you need to know before creating a sales websitebut if you already have an e-commerce site, you are probably wondering how to increase online sales.

With this in mind, we have put together some of the main things that most influence a customer’s buying decision.

If you already have a functional e-commerce, with all the necessary settings for user tracking and structured for SEO, believe me, there are still things that can be optimized that can differentiate your business from the competition.

It is essential to have a keen eye for future generations, for current human behavior, and for people’s needs. This makes all the difference in the performance of your digital strategy.

Let’s get down to business:

5 factors that influence online sales

Sustainability and Environment

Today’s consumer is not only impacted by flashy CTAs and low prices. More and more we worry about our future and generations to come.

After all, we know that nobody survives alone and there are things that generate much more value than just products on promotion.

Here is some data from the latest 2022 survey from Similar Web:

  • 73% dos consumidores consideram o impacto climático quando fazem um pedido.
  •  Lojas que priorizam uma abordagem climática têm um crescimento 5,8x mais rápido.

Reputation and Community

We have known the power of opinion leaders for a long time, and we are not just talking about digital influencers with millions of followers.

Feedback from micro-influencers and even anonymous influencers (in review forums, for example) impacts the customer’s decision to buy.

Here’s what the poll numbers say:

  • Em 2021, aproximadamente 70% dos compradores on-line leem entre uma e seis avaliações de clientes antes de decidir fazer uma compra.
  • 61% dos consumidores online nos EUA fizeram uma compra depois de ler recomendações em um blog.
  • 73% dos entrevistados disseram que descobriram novos produtos por meio de vídeos criados por criadores de conteúdo.
  • 76% disseram que encontraram informações úteis sobre uma marca ou produto por meio do mesmo conteúdo.

Logistics Made Easy

Often impulse purchases can become a headache. This is why more and more consumers are paying attention to things like exchange and return policies, for example.

We live in increasingly busy days and those who make an online purchase seek convenience. Making the buying process more and more intuitive and simplified greatly impacts purchasing decisions.

Here are some statistics:

  • A entrega gratuita foi a razão mais influente pela qual os compradores digitais adicionaram um produto à sua cesta e o compraram.
  • Descontos e políticas de devolução fáceis também foram fatores importantes que influenciaram os compradores a comprar online.
  • 17% foram impedidos de fazer pedidos devido a um processo de checkout complicado.

Investment in Technology

Consumers are not only concerned about the future of the planet, they are also eager to see what benefits and new things the future can bring to their daily lives.

So, whenever you have opportunities to delight and make your customer’s life easier with quality technology, bet on it!

Here is some data on the subject regarding online sales:

  • A realidade aumentada também pode aumentar as vendas em 51%.
  • 35% dos entrevistados disseram que comprariam mais online se experimentar um produto virtualmente fosse uma opção.
  • E-mails de boas-vindas automatizados enviados por empresas de comércio eletrônico tiveram uma taxa de conversão de 51,9%.

Integrated Social Networks

That generating content on social networks is important for any business, we already know. But integrating them efficiently with your e-commerce is the real silver lining for online sales.

See what the numbers say about the power of this integration:

  • 44% das pessoas usam o Instagram semanalmente para fazer compras usando os recursos de compras do aplicativo.
  • Os usuários do TikTok gastaram US$ 2,3 bilhões no aplicativo, aumentando 77% em 2021.
  • 67% dos usuários do TikTok disseram que o aplicativo os inspirou a fazer compras, mesmo quando não planejavam.

We hope you enjoyed this content and can apply the tips in practice. Take advantage and also see how to choose the best type of Google Ads campaign for your company.

Super Plural Team
Super Plural Team

We are a team passionate about Digital Marketing and Technology. We are spread across the continents of the world and united by the same passion: sharing knowledge and taking business to another level of results =)

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